What currency do the Danes use?
When it comes to money, the Danish currency is Danish Krones “Dansk Krone” (DKK). It will probably be difficult to calculate prices in your head in the beginning since Danish krones approximately convert like:
100 DKK = 13,50 EUR
100 DKK = 14,00 USD
If you want to convert a price fast just type “300 dkk in dollar” in Google and you will get the answer nicely displayed.
What currency do the Danes use?
When it comes to money, the Danish currency is Danish Krones “Dansk Krone” (DKK). It will probably be difficult to calculate prices in your head in the beginning since Danish krones approximately convert like:
100 DKK = 13,50 EUR
100 DKK = 14,00 USD
If you want to convert a price fast just type “300 dkk in dollar” in Google and you will get the answer nicely displayed.